HS2 finalises professional service frameworks
Framework agreements for professional services relating to land and property have been finalised, HS2 Ltd has announced.
Package order contracts will be awarded through secondary competitions later this year.
HS2 Ltd commercial director Beth West said: “This is an important step in gearing up the industry to work with us on a range of land and property matters such as surveying and valuation that are key to developing and maximising the benefits of HS2.
“I’m pleased that we have selected a broad spectrum of different sized companies with a good mix of local and national reach.”
The contracts are as follows:
Lot 1 Valuation Services
1. Bruton Knowles Limited
2. Capita Symonds Limited
3. Carter Jonas LLP
4. GL Hearn Limited
5. Keppie Massie Limited
6. Lambert Smith Hampton Limited
7. Montagu Evans LLP
8. Mouchel Limited
9. Strutt & Parker LLP
10. Valuation Office Agency/DVS
Lot 2 Estates Services
1. Bruton Knowles Limited
2. CBRE Limited
3. Colliers International Property Consultants Limited
4. DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited
5. GVA Grimley Holdings Limited
6. Jones Lang LaSalle Limited
7. Lambert Smith Hampton Limited
8. Montagu Evans LLP
9. Mouchel Limited
10. Valuation Office Agency/DVS
Lot 3 Property Management Services
1. Capita Symonds Limited
2. Carter Jonas LLP
3. DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited
4. Lambert Smith Hampton Limited
5. Montagu Evans LLP
6. Mouchel Limited
7. Savills (UK) Limited
Lot 4 Urban Regeneration/Commercial Development Advice
1. Capita Symonds Limited
2. CBRE Limited
3. Cushman & Wakefield LLP
4. Deloitte LLP
5. DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited
6. GL Hearn Limited
7. GVA Grimley Holdings Limited
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Image c. HS2 Ltd