RMT Virgin West Coast support staff vote to strike over ‘workplace justice’
RMT members of Virgin West Coast services have today voted massively in favour of strike action in a dispute over pay.
Out of 1,460 staff polled, 1,330 said they were prepared to take strike action over a disparity in pay between drivers and other station and support staff.
Virgin has previously offered a deal for both sets of staff which sees them get a 3.2% pay rise, but drivers also get a £500 bonus – based on additional productivity.
“Our members have voted overwhelmingly for action in this ballot which is all about workplace equality and workplace justice,” commented Mick Cash, RMT’s general secretary.
“All our members are demanding is a suitable and equal offer to that given to drivers to buy out their claim for a reduction in the base working week. We have made it clear to the company that the inequality and underhanded approach of Virgin will be fought tooth and nail. We will not accept our members being dealt with less favourably than others.”
Support staff have now “had enough” and are prepared to “fight for justice in their workplaces,” argued Cash.
“The result will now be considered by the union’s executive and we remain available for serious talks aimed at righting this wrong,” he added.
In response to the news, a Virgin Trains spokesperson said: “We are disappointed by the result of the RMT’s ballot, but can reassure customers that we will be able to run the majority of services during any industrial action.
“We have offered a 3.2% annual pay increase at a time when the average increase across public and private sector employees is around 2%. We remain open to continuing talks with the RMT.”
Another union, the TSSA, has also threatened to strike over pay on Virgin West Coast services. The organisation announced a ballot earlier this month, which if passed would see its 400 members on the services take action over the Christmas and New Year period.
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