Northern Ireland train crash re-enacted in trespassing warning
A railway collision was staged yesterday in Northern Ireland to highlight the potentially fatal consequences of trespassing on the tracks.
In the past ten years, about ten incidents a month were reported where motorists had failed to follow the rules at level crossings, risking passenger safety as well as the lives of the motorists involved.
The exercise took place on a line just outside of Antrim and was carried out in partnership with the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue service.
Ian Campbell of Translink said: “On some occasions the train driver hasn’t even had time to react, it’s been so close. Our trains travel at speeds over 90mph, they weigh between 150 and 300 tonnes and some of our trains take over a mile to stop at those speeds.
“People are too relaxed around railway crossings. They try to save 30 seconds to a minute off their journey and they don’t appreciate that they could be putting their own lives at risk and those of others.”
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