One week left to contribute to West Midlands transport consultation
Passengers in the West Midlands have been urged to submit their responses to the consultation on the £3.4bn transport blueprint which closes next Friday 9 June.
A plan has already been set out by the WMCA which explains how the authority will unlock economic growth in the area by expanding transport links and make the most of HS2 as construction gets underway later this year.
The six-week consultation has now run into its final week, giving passengers, residents and businesses their last chance to have their say on how the investment is delivered.
Laura Shoaf, managing director of Transport for West Midlands, said: “We want to hear people’s views on these proposed transport schemes that we feel will support the WMCA’s wider goals for economic growth, housing and skills.
“This blueprint has a key role to play in the future prosperity of our region, which is why I would encourage people to take this opportunity to have their say.”
The draft 2026 Delivery Plan is the initial 10-year programme for the longer-term strategic transport plan in the region called ‘Movement for Growth’ – which outlines the 20-year vision for transport in the area.
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