First part-time drivers in training for Night Tube
Night Tube drivers are now being recruited and are in training as plans for the new service are set to go ahead, a new Commissioner’s Report has confirmed.
The report from Transport for London (TfL) commissioner Mike Brown, to be considered at the TfL board’s 17 March meeting, says that London Underground will recruit part-time drivers specifically for the Night Tube to minimise the impact on current drivers, with the first batch of new recruits already training and more courses planned.
The move comes after trade unions Aslef and RMT, who carried out strikes last year to oppose the Night Tube proposals, accepted a revised contract. However, TfL is still waiting to hear back from the TSSA and Unite.
The report says: “The use of part-time drivers will mean the introduction of the Night Tube will have no impact on the vast majority of our current staff, while still ensuring the service is delivered in a fair and sustainable way that is affordable.”
According to London Mayor Boris Johnson, London Underground received 4,300 applications for 300 Night Tube driver positions.
Brown added that all infrastructure and technical arrangements for the introduction of the Night Tube are in place.
(Image c. Metronet)