A Train Communication Network (TCN) is an Ethernet-based network control system that applies to rolling stock control, detection, and diagnosis. The international standard, IEC 61375, is defined with cooperation between members of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Union of Railways (UIC).
The white paper details that:
- Specifications of Network Topology in IEC 61375-3-4
- Specifications of ECN Networking Data in IEC 61375-3-4
- Cross train-car communications – Integration with R-NAT in IEC 61375-2-5
- Recommended Lantech IEC 61375 Ethernet Switch Models
The IEC 61375 standard’s definition regarding the TCN can be divided into two parts: one is an Ethernet Train Backbone (ETB), and the other is an Ethernet Consist Network (ECN). The ETB is in charge of connections between the ECNs in each car. The requirements and applications of ETB are defined in IEC 61375-2-5, while the requirements and applications of ECN are defined in the IEC 61375-3-4 standard.
The full whitepaper can be found here: