During the TransCityRail North event in Manchester, host Helen Fospero led a panel discussion that included Sara Kettlewell, Head of Transpennine Route Upgrade (TRU) at Northern, Hannah Lomas, Principal Programme Sponsor CHPP, Transpennine Route Upgrade, Network Rail and Fiona Cane, Head of Delivery Partnership, Transpennine Express.
The panel concentrated on the TRU, one of the main transformational projects for the railway in the north of England.
The programme is s a major, multi-billion-pound programme of railway improvements which will bring better journeys to passengers travelling across the Pennines between Manchester, Huddersfield, Leeds and York.
The panellist discussed the legacy which will be left after the completion of the project, how it will affect the surrounding communities and the collaboration between operators, infrastructure owners and the wider railway community.