SWR launches campaign in support of local businesses
South Western Railway (SWR) has launched a campaign to celebrate and generate support for local businesses across the region.
Covid-19 has hit local businesses hard and with restrictions now easing, it has never been more important to support them.
Therefore, SWR are working to make those connections between consumers and local businesses easier. With over 235 million journeys on its network, and as an operator serving South West London, Surry, Hampshire, Berkshire, Dorest and beyond, SWR is in a key position to make this happen.
SWR is inspiring its customers to suggest their favourite local business. For example, a customer could nominate their village butcher, their local artisan bakery or their town’s best café.
For the local businesses, they will be in with a chance to win one of 3 custom-made business packages up to the value of £12,000 for equipment and advertising.
All customers who nominate their favourite local business will be entered into a draw to win of two £1,000 cash prizes.
South Western Railway’s Commercial Director, Peter Williams, said: “Local businesses are the lifeblood of the regional economy, now more than ever it's important we support them. This campaign will allow our customers to celebrate the local businesses that are at the heart of their communities.”
You can nominate your favourite local business here.