NR: Stay off the tracks. Stay home. Stay safe
Network Rail has launched a new awareness-raising campaign to warn of the dangers of trespassing on the railway during the Covid-19 outbreak.
The ‘Stay off the tracks. Stay home. Stay safe’ campaign will run on commercial radio stations across Scotland and on social media channels from May to July.
Targeting young people in particular, the campaign has been launched in light of an increase in levels of trespass on the railway during the current lockdown period.
Over 70 incidents of trespassing have been recorded on Scotland’s Railway since March 20, when Scotland’s schools closed ahead of the full lockdown on March 23.
Trespass is proving to be an issue across the country including locations in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire, Renfrewshire, Perthshire, the Lothians and the Highlands.
Liam Sumpter, Network Rail Scotland route director, said: “While most people are observing the guidelines on staying home and social distancing, we are seeing a worrying number of trespassers on our tracks.
“We need the public to stay safe and stay off the railway – allowing us to focus on supporting the country by keeping key workers and vital freight services on the move.
“Trespassing on the railway is incredibly dangerous - anyone struck by a train will suffer life-changing injuries or worse and, on electrified railways, the overhead power lines carry up to 25,000 volts and can kill instantly.”
Image: Network Rail