‘Unexpected demand’ led to missed targets
Network Rail has published its update to its CP4 delivery plan, highlighting a need for the industry to become more financially sustainable and to improve performance in line with demand.
The company is failing to meet targets for the punctuality of long distance trains and for freight performance, citing passenger demand growing faster than expected as a key contributor to this.
Network Rail is currently working with train operators to finalise Joint Performance Improvement plans for the final two years of CP4, including a target to improve punctuality to at least 90%.
Paul Plummer, group strategy director, said: “We committed to delivering a £24bn programme of investment in the network, and to reducing the cost of the railway by over a fifth. Over the last three years we have made solid progress towards meeting those significant challenges. The 2012 delivery plan update is not a wholesale revision to the original plan but builds on previous updates and progress to date.
“While in a number of areas our performance is at an all time high, our updated plan explains that we are now expecting to fall short of our regulatory targets for CP4 on long distance PPM, delay minutes in England & Wales and freight performance.
“The reasons for this are complex, but it is clear that one of them is that demand has grown far faster than predicted at the start of the control period. More passengers mean more trains on the network, and that means there is a bigger impact when things go wrong.
“Over the last year we have made further progress towards delivering savings. We are increasingly confident that we will deliver significant financial outperformance over the control period as a result of efficiencies in operation and maintenance costs, renewals expenditure and in the delivery of the enhancement programme, and due to lower interest costs.
“This update sets out how we intend to share that outperformance, such as through payments to government and additional investment on level crossing improvements. This is good news for taxpayers and those using the railway.”
To view the CP4 delivery plan update, visit www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/imagelibrary/downloadMedia.ashx?MediaDetailsID=5569
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