First options revealed for new performance measures in CP6
A series of new performance measures designed to replace the existing system in CP6 have already been identified by the industry, the ORR has revealed, with further ideas expected.
In its half-year assessment of Network Rail, the regulator backed the industry-wide view that the current measures – PPM and CaSL – have “some limitations”, with a refreshed system required for 2019-20 onwards to “better reflect passenger experience of the railway”.
Jo Kaye, Network Rail’s executive director for network strategy and capacity planning, had previously revealed during a Transport Committee hearing that the new measures would offer “more granular information”.
Different types of information will be collected to reflect the fundamental differences in operator types, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach. High-intensity metro passengers, for example, are more interested in service frequency, whilst in long-distance trains punctuality is a “much more important thing”.
In its report, released today, the ORR identified a series of new potential measures, including:
- “On time” at all stations;
- Total and Average passenger lateness; and
- Cancellations
It added that there is an ongoing formal process, incorporating stakeholder consultation, governing the introduction of these new measures.
“However, we expect to report on the emerging measures in future monitors ahead of their formal adoption so that we can develop a timely understanding of how these measures are working in practice and what messages they are providing,” the report concluded.
Separately, rail minister Paul Maynard MP has also promised that the DfT will publish information about each franchise’s performance against its contractual benchmarks every four weeks as part of a commitment towards greater transparency around individual companies.
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