Step-free access guaranteed for all London Crossrail stations
It’s great news that TfL has confirmed that it will install step free access at Seven Kings, Maryland, Manor Park and Hanwell stations ahead of Crossrail fully opening in 2019 – meaning all Crossrail stations within London will be step-free.
Step-free access was already committed for 33 of the 40 stations on the route. But the new £19m of funding, provided through efficiencies and some reallocation of the operating budget, will mean 37 are step-free, including every Crossrail station in London.
But, surely, as part of the £15bn rail project, all stations should have been step-free from the start? Or have we missed something?
TfL has stated that it will continue to work with the DfT to secure funding for step free access at the remaining three Crossrail stations, west of London: Taplow, Langley and Iver. And, again, this is welcome news.
As Ruth Owen, OBE, chief executive of children’s disabled charity Whizz-Kidz, said: “The news that all Crossrail stations in London will be accessible to all is great.
“As a wheelchair user myself, I experience the frustrations of not having the same access to travel or train facilities as non-disabled passengers. We believe it’s really important that the whole Crossrail route is accessible and call for the remaining funding to be found to complete the job.”
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