New UKRIA category to recognise outstanding research achievements in rail
A new category has been added to the rail industry’s biggest awards ceremony UKRIA for its 2018 ceremony which recognises organisations for their outstanding research achievements.
For the latest instalment of the awards, held on 22 March at Battersea Evolution in London, the first Rail Research and Innovation Implementation award will be handed to one hard-working company.
Sponsored by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), this new category recognises the companies who showed the most drive and ingenuity in improving the railway and coming up with fresh, novel solutions to common problems.
It also looks at companies who have been the best at realising the benefits from cross-industry research and innovation programmes managed by the RSSB.
“Through research, analysis and insight RSSB supports our members and stakeholders to deliver a safer, more efficient and sustainable rail system,” a spokesperson for the RSSB said.
“Our vision is to be a centre of excellence, valued by its members and stakeholders as an essential contributor to their success.
“Our independent, evidence-based approach is built on strong technical capability, and the enabling of collaborative industry engagement for the benefit of the whole rail system.”
The judging criteria for the Rail Research and Innovation Implementation award differs to the 23 other UKRIA categories. Entrants will be judged on how they communicated the aims and objectives of implementing their research project, as well as how it was planned and then executed.
Organisations will also be asked to show clear evidence of how the research was successfully implemented, and what challenges they overcame in reaching their end goal.
Finally, the last key criteria for entrants is in explaining the impact and realised benefits of the implementation of the research project the entry was based on.
To submit your entry, click here. To attend or sponsor the event, contact the events team on: 0161 833 6320.