Signalling strike confirmed
The union RMT has confirmed a signallers’ strike inStirlingfollowing a dispute over rosters. Members voted 100% for industrial action, which will take place on Thursday 26 April and Wednesday 9 May.
The dispute concerns RMT attempts to negotiate 12-hour rosters for the signallers, which were rejected by Network Rail on the grounds that there was no desire to introduce a different system, and that it would result in additional costs.
RMT general secretary Bob Crow said: “RMT will not allow Network Rail to ride roughshod over the clear democratic will of our members so we urged staff to vote strongly in favour of industrial action in this ballot and they have done just that and Network Rail still refuse to take this issue seriously so we have no option but to move to strike action.
“Although management have so far refused to budge they cannot ignore the strength of feeling demonstrated in the strike vote and RMT remains available for talks aimed at resolving this matter.”
Network Rail has said it should still be able to run a full service.
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